University of Belgrade, Faculty of organizational sciences

Department for e-business

E-business in public administration

Study programE-business and system management
Study groupE-business
Course statusElective
TeachersZorica M. Bogdanović, Vojkan V. Vasković, Aleksandra B. Labus
AssociatesAleksandra B. Labus

Course Content

Lectures: The concept of the information society. E-business models in public administration. Legislation and EU frameworks for the development of e-government services. Infrastructure and architecture of e -government. Types of e-government services. Stages of planning and implementation of e-government. Channels of communication, control and responses to customer requests. Obstacles and barriers in electronic government development. Privacy in e-government system. Identification documents. Technology, smart card . The use of biometric methods in recognition. PKI infrastructure, certification bodies, certificates, digital signature. RF technology. Digital democracy. Types of e-democracy. Political activity on the Internet. Voting via the Internet. Virtual diplomacy. Mobile Management. E -Health as a segment of e-government. Overview of the development of e-business services in public administration in the world and in Serbia .

Practical exercises: Testing and analysis of existing software solutions in the field of e-government. Working with digital certificates and certification bodies. Working with the technologies of the digital signature and cryptographic methods. Working with RFID technology solutions. Testing and analysis of biometric identification. Using the e –Government portal of the Republic of Serbia. The development of e-government services .


The aim of this course is to prepare students for the application of e-business technologies in public administration, as well as for the design and development of e-government services.


  1. E-resources from website
  2. Vasković V., Elektronsko poslovanje u javnoj upravi, skripta.
  3. Mazinjanin, Đ. Metode komunikacije vlade i građana u elektronskom poslovanju gradske uprave. 2008.
  4. Mehdi Khosrow, Encyclopedia of E-Commerce, E-Government, and Mobile Commerce, Information Resources Management Association, USA, 2000.
  5. Stiglitz Joseph E. Економија јавног сектора, 1 издање. Економски факлутет, 2004.
  6. Caddy Joanne, Vintar Mirko, Building Better Quality Administration for the Public: Case Studies from Central and eastern Europe, Nispacee 2002.
  7. T.Stojadinovic, V.Radonjic, B.Radenkovic, E-business in the Regulation of Medicines in Serbia, Drug Information Journal, Vol.44, No.2, pp.177-187, 2010.
  8. Strategija razvoja elektronske uprave u Republici Srbiji za period od 2009. do 2013. godine.
  9. Strategija razvoja informacionog društva u Republici Srbiji do 2020. godine.